
This past year, Jenner & Block quickly mobilized as the US Supreme Court weighed race-conscious admissions programs in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina (SFFA). We created a task force that has been providing ongoing thought leadership and strategic counsel designed to help clients navigate a post-SFFA world. While our DEI Protection Task Force is new, our leadership in the DEI landscape is longstanding.

DEI Protection Task Force Co-Chairs Ishan Bhabha, Erica Turret, Katie Wynbrandt, and Marcus Childress discuss their work supporting clients.

Partner Lauren Hartz, a Co-Chair of the DEI Protection Task Force, shares that the Task Force’s role is twofold: to guide clients as problems arise and to share strategies so they can stay ahead of growing threats to DEI initiatives.

DEI Protection Task Force Helps Clients Respond to the Impact of SCOTUS’ Decision on Race-Conscious Admissions

With Jenner & Block’s proud tradition of addressing high-impact social and equity issues in courts across the United States, and a passion for protecting diversity, equity, and inclusion in our society, our DEI Protection Task Force is at the forefront of assisting clients of all types as they navigate the impact of SFFA.

When the US Supreme Court decided to consider the constitutionality of race-conscious admissions during the October 2022 Term, Jenner & Block mobilized to help clients prepare for a decision that would reach far beyond higher education. The DEI Protection Task Force is guiding educational institutions through the immediate actions necessary to reshape longstanding race-conscious policies, practices, and programs.

“Our clients understand that the best decisions are made through a diverse lens,” said Partner and DEI Protection Task Force Co-chair Lauren Hartz. “We support our clients as they strive to align their decision-making with their values of equity and inclusion.”

The Task Force counsels educational institutions, businesses, and organizations that have embraced DEI as a core value through the complex and rapidly evolving legal landscape. From the redesigning of programs and policies, to shaping strategies that will reduce risk, to addressing complex, high-stakes litigation—and everything in between.

A Letter from Our DEI Committee Co-Chairs

At Jenner & Block, we work relentlessly in advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal industry and in our communities. These shared values are fundamental to who we are as a firm and as lawyers. They have inspired us to not just dream of being a model of DEI among law firms, but to put it front and center with action and advocacy.

For more than 20 years, Equal Time has featured the people, the cases, and the programs that celebrate this core value. But as rewarding as it is to look back at our successes, important work lies ahead.

Our report this year comes as DEI programs are under increased scrutiny. Guided by our passion for addressing high-impact social issues and protecting diversity, equity, and inclusion in our society, we are helping our clients navigate risks in line with our shared values. And at Jenner & Block, we remain as committed as ever to ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion, and being a catalyst for continued progress.

Miwa Shoda: Bridging the Gap Between the US and Japan

Originally from Japan, Miwa Shoda began her legal career at Mori Hamada & Matsumoto, one of the top law firms in the country. After graduating from the University of Chicago Law School, and practicing as a visiting lawyer at another firm, Miwa joined Jenner & Block in 2009.

“The legal systems in the United States and in Japan are extraordinarily different,” says Miwa. “During my first few years practicing law here, there were so many things that I needed to learn and get accustomed to, including handling complex legal matters in a second language.”

Yet, her background and education make her uniquely poised to lead the firm’s Japan Practice, which has grown immensely under her leadership.

“Asian culture is very different from US culture. If you are an outsider, being accepted into the Japanese community is difficult,” says Miwa. “My background allows me to bridge the gap between the two countries, making it easier for me to interact with our clients, create the necessary networks to allow our practice to succeed, and gain our clients’ trust.”

“While one of Miwa’s most important skills is communicating with clients, her real skill goes far beyond that,” says Partner Brent Caslin. “Miwa can take complex issues from US legal matters, some of which do not exist in Japanese law or business culture, and lay out challenges and options for our clients in Japan. And she does this across many areas, whether it’s working on a patent case, an arbitration, or an M&A project.”

Miwa is involved in every aspect of the Japan Practice. From working on cases to issuing regular newsletters and hosting webinars for a Japanese audience, she ensures everything runs smoothly.

But it’s not always all business. “It may surprise some to learn that, hidden behind Miwa’s serious demeanor, is someone who can deliver a good punch line at the perfect moment,” says Brent.

Karam Jardaneh: Encouraging Everyone to Do Their Bit to Inspire Change

As a Jordanian-Palestinian who now calls the United Kingdom a second home, Karam Jardaneh is fortunate to have been exposed to diverse cultures and experiences that have shaped her personally and professionally.

A senior associate in our Investigations, Compliance, and Defense Practice, Karam supports clients facing high-stakes matters involving alleged wrongdoing (such as financial crimes, human rights abuses, and inappropriate workplace behavior). She finds it exciting and rewarding to guide her clients through challenging times. Her empathy allows her to connect with clients and colleagues with different backgrounds and perspectives. To Karam, this adds value to her work.

In 2021, Karam spearheaded the firm’s participation in NOTICED, the UK’s first inter-firm diversity network aimed at promoting networking opportunities to integrate, celebrate, and educate on diversity across the legal sector. “She has been instrumental in getting the firm joined up to NOTICED, promoting different cultural events, and encouraging people to feel comfortable talking about their experiences of diversity and otherness,” said her colleague, Special Counsel Lucy Blake.

Karam is dedicated to her pro bono and commercial clients and to being a life-long learner. When it comes to her work in the DEI space, she says: “I find myself continuously learning about what we can do better in creating a psychologically safe environment for all.”

“DEI is invaluable to me,” Karam expresses. She believes the focus on DEI benefits not only individuals on a personal level, but also the firm, the legal industry, and society as a whole. “People do their best when they can be their authentic selves—as a result everyone benefits,” Karam says.

Karam acknowledges that it sometimes feels difficult to make a difference in this area, but she says, “If we all do our bit, then I believe we can make the change that is needed.”

An up-and-coming leader, Karam brings a unique outlook to her work, while understanding and appreciating different perspectives. She is proud of what she has accomplished to-date and is excited to see what is yet to come.

For Jenner & Block, Leading Means Being Involved

We make an impact by investing in our communities

Long-Term, Expansive Partnership with the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity Thrives at Leadership and Lawyer Levels

Through our long-term partnership with the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD), an organization of leaders who are dedicated to creating a diverse legal profession, Jenner & Block advances opportunities for diverse lawyers. Jenner joined LCLD in 2011 and was named a “top performer” in 2021 and 2022. Our lawyers have been selected to join LCLD’s prestigious programs as far back as 2012. 

In alignment with LCLD’s commitment to diversity at the leadership level, Co-Managing Partners Katya Jestin and Randy Mehrberg have joined LCLD’s “Leaders at the Front” initiative, in which they make personal and organizational commitments to DEI. Read Katya’s public pledge here and Randy’s here.

This year, Partner Shoba Pillay was welcomed into the council’s 2023 Fellows Program, which supports diverse, high-potential, mid-career lawyers by providing opportunities for leadership training and relationship-building. Associates JX Quek and Effiong Dampha were invited to join the Pathfinder Program, which supports diverse, high-potential, early-career lawyers by providing tools for developing and leveraging their professional networks, leadership skills, and career-development strategies.

Partnering with our clients, the firm also participates in the 1L LCLD Scholars Program, which strengthens the legal pipeline by expanding opportunities for diverse first-year law students. These 1L summer associates work with Jenner and with the clients, garnering the skills they need to be successful in their future careers.

Jenner & Block lawyers remain invested in LCLD far after their Fellow and Pathfinder programs end. Special Counsel Marcus Childress serves as LCLD’s city lead for Washington, DC, where he organizes programming for one of LCLD’s most active alumni chapter.

Through our thriving connection with LCLD, Jenner & Block continues to be an industry leader in diversity, equity, and inclusion. We stand beside organizations like LCLD to grow and shape the next generation of diverse legal professionals.

Our LCLD Alumni include: 

London Office Champions DEI Initiatives through Its New Committee and the NOTICED Network

Members of the London office formed a DEI Committee to address the unique challenges in the United Kingdom.

Jenner & Block’s London office launched its own Diversity Committee this year. At the same time, the office remains immersed in the United Kingdom’s first inter-firm diversity network. 

“The London office founded the committee to amplify the firm’s ‘unparalleled’ program in the United States, while also addressing the unique DEI challenges in the United Kingdom,” said Special Counsel Lucy Blake.

“The DEI complexities we face both in the United Kingdom as a whole and particularly in our small London office are rather different to the issues in the United States and in the much larger US offices. This committee allows the London office to launch initiatives in a targeted way. With support from the London leadership and DEI firmwide team, we hope to foster a diverse and inclusive environment, sensitive to people’s different needs so everyone can perform at their best,” Lucy explained. “We see this as central to our growth strategy.”

Junior Legal Secretary Samantha Woolley shared her perspective on the committee, saying: “This is a platform for all individuals to be involved in making a meaningful change.”

Senior Associate Karam Jardaneh said that joining the committee “was a no-brainer as it was an opportunity to be part of such an important conversation and initiative for the London office.” 

Meanwhile, Karam and others continue to engage with NOTICED, a network that promotes opportunities to integrate, celebrate, and educate on diversity across the legal sector. NOTICED includes more than 20 city law firms and is supported by the Law Society. A key source of information, NOTICED offers London access to DEI resources in the United Kingdom beyond the valuable resources already present at Jenner & Block.

Karam encouraged Jenner & Block to join NOTICED after she was appointed to its board in 2020. The firm officially joined NOTICED in 2021. Last September, Karam, Samantha, Partner Jason Yardley, Associate Yahia Boussabaine, and Coordinator of Client Development and Communications Bethany Jarvis coordinated a powerful panel, co-hosted with NOTICED. The panel focused on the unique personal experiences of in-house lawyers’ diverse careers and featured key clients sharing their commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Associate Shailee Diwanji Sharma Selected to Professional Development Program for Diverse Lawyers

Associate Shailee Diwanji Sharma is among only 37 lawyers nationwide invited to join the highly competitive Sources of Success Program, sponsored by the Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA). The 12-month professional development program is designed to identify, develop, and promote future leaders. It helps participants implement successful career management and communication strategies and develop leadership and management skills. Through the program, participants receive group and individual coaching and engage with leaders from major companies in various industries as panel participants and mentors.

The MCCA advises C-suites across corporate America about diversity, equity, and inclusion by providing data-driven solutions for sustainable change.

Shailee represents clients in complex, high-stakes disputes in state and federal courts as well as in arbitration. She counsels clients on a broad range of commercial matters, with a focus on contractual disputes, fraud, and other business torts across a number of industries, including financial services, financial technology, crypto-assets, energy, aerospace, media and entertainment, and healthcare. 

Embracing DEI with Inclusive Office Spaces

A welcoming and supportive environment is fundamental to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, and the firm’s recent renovations and office expansions prioritized inclusive spaces.

In renovating offices in Chicago, New York, and Washington, DC, and selecting new space in London, we leaned on feedback from lawyers and professional staff.

We added inclusive spaces such as a meditation/prayer room in Chicago, a communal kitchen and dining room in London, and game rooms and lounges in larger offices. Many of our offices offer gender-neutral bathrooms, social areas for firm gatherings, and private wellness and lactation rooms.

As good stewards of environmental resources, we prioritized keeping waste out of landfills. In London, 98.9 percent of waste was diverted from landfills, and in Chicago 86 percent of materials were either reused or recycled, keeping tons of trash out of landfills.

By being intentional about how we build, we are able to provide a welcoming environment not just for the Jenner & Block family but also for clients, colleagues, and friends of the firm.

Legal Industry Honors Our Leadership in DEI Initiatives

  • Jenner & Block led The National Law Journal’s 2023 LGBTQ Scorecard for the second year in a row, with just over 12 percent of our legal employees self-reporting on the LGBTQ spectrum.

  • The Human Rights Campaign Foundation recognized us as one of the Best Places to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality for the 17th consecutive year. We scored 100% on the Foundation’s 2022 Corporate Equality Index, which measures non-discrimination policies, equitable benefits for LGBTQ+ workers and their families, cultural inclusivity, and corporate social responsibility.

  • We received the Gold Standard Certification from the Women in Law Empowerment Forum (WILEF) for 2023. In renewing our certification for the 10th time, WILEF recognized our strong and consistent commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Jenner is among only 28 US firms to achieve the honor this year.

  • In 2022, the Diversity Lab recognized us as a Mansfield Certified law firm for the fifth consecutive year. The firm was among a select group that earned “Plus” status for achieving at least 30% underrepresented lawyer representation in a notable number of current leadership roles.