Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Jenner & Block

Jenner & Block is on the leading edge of fostering a diverse legal community. From the way we staff teams on client matters to the way we nurture the careers of more junior lawyers, our actions are intentional and our commitment is meaningful. You can read more about our DEI initiatives here.

Since its founding in 1914, Jenner & Block has been committed to maintaining and promoting diversity in the hiring, development, promotion, and success of all lawyers and professional staff.

Our goal is to recruit the best lawyers and provide an atmosphere that will allow each lawyer the opportunity to succeed and achieve their fullest potential. To accomplish this, we hire and develop lawyers without reference to race, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Our actions reflect our deep-seated commitment to equality and social justice, as well as our belief that diverse teams arrive at better and more creative legal solutions. In keeping with our core values, we expect every individual in the firm to take personal responsibility for supporting diversity and fostering an inclusive environment. We expect this in the same way we expect individuals to be responsible for providing impeccable client service.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

A Letter from Our DEI Director

In 2001, Jenner & Block produced our very first diversity and inclusion-focused publication as the Equal Time: LGBT Community Service newsletter. It is thought to have been the first of its kind in the legal community that specifically celebrated LGBTQ lawyers and their achievements. Over the years, we added newsletters about our lawyers of color and our women lawyers. In 2018, we brought those newsletters together into one comprehensive report to highlight the intersectionality of the firm’s inclusion efforts.

With attacks on DEI efforts on the rise, our intentional work is increasingly important. I am proud that our DEI team has grown to include Manager Eva Landers, Data Specialist Christina Ananth, and Coordinator Savannah Parrish.

This year's report showcases the initiatives, events, and advocacy that engaged everyone, across offices, throughout the past year. As we reflect on them, we stand together, committed to making positive and meaningful changes in the years to come. 

 By the Numbers


of Practice Group leaders are women, lawyers of color, or LGBTQ lawyers


of our Management Committee are women, lawyers of color, or LGBTQ lawyers


of Jenner & Block’s Policy Committee are women


of Jenner & Block associates are racially diverse


of newly elevated partners over the past three years have been lawyers of color


of newly elevated partners over the past three years are women


of newly elevated partners have been openly LGBTQ in the past three years


of Jenner & Block associates are women