Leading through Action
and Advocacy

Native American Law Team Advocates for Tribes 

Led by and primarily composed of enrolled members of federally recognized tribes, our team empowers tribal governments. Here, they discuss how they preserve, promote, and protect sovereignty and advance tribal interests.

DEI Protection Task Force Leads Clients Post-SFFA 

Listen to the co-chairs of our DEI Protection Task Force explain how they are helping clients respond to the SCOTUS decision to strike down race-conscious admission programs.

Advancing Careers Means Nurturing Diverse Talent

We work hard to support and retain our talent. Here, three new diverse leaders talk about their commitment to mentoring the next generation of lawyers. 

Diversity Dinner Celebrates Our DEI Commitment 

Jenner alumna Carletta Higginson, Global Head of Music Publishing at YouTube, joined us for our 22nd annual Diversity Dinner to discuss her career path and offer advice for young lawyers. 

A Message from Our
Co-Managing Partners

As a firm driven by our values—excellence; collaboration; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and pro bono and public service—our strength lies in our people and is enhanced by the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives they bring to our work.